Thursday, July 10, 2008

Why am I here?

I've been reading blogs for a long time. They looked like fun... and I was missing out! I thought about what to write about. A creative writing teacher I had in high school (oh, so long ago) said to write about what you know. Sage advice.

So what do I know? You're about to find out, if you keep coming back. In a nutshell: finding bargains, raising an only child and living in rural Vermont.

Bear with me while I hone my writing skills. I swear I'll get better, and maybe you'll save a little money like me.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great idea for a blog. It keeps people coming back, and if I were still living in rural VT, I'm sure the info would come in handy. And of course, for most people that live in VT, frugality is a prerequisite for residency!
