Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Cop Out Chicken

Sometimes I have a nice meal planned and when it comes time to cook it, I'm either too busy or too tired. That's when I whip out my Cop Out Chicken recipe. It's time to take the easy way out; hence the name.

4 T extra-virgin olive oil
4 garlic cloves, crushed
1 t dried mint (if you can't find mint, use basil - this is Cop Out Chicken, not Stress Out Chicken)
1 t dried oregano
1 t salt
1 t ground black pepper
2 T lemon juice
1 1/2 lbs. boneless chicken breasts

Mix first 7 ingredients in a large bowl.

Bisect the chicken breasts, which is sort of like butterflying them, but cutting all the way through. This creates thinner pieces that will cook more evenly. Mix the chicken in the marinade and let marinate 30 minutes.

While it's marinating, prepare your barbeque and your side dishes. Grill chicken over medium high heat for 3 to 4 minutes on each side. The chicken can be cut up and made into kebabs before grilling, if you wish. Serves 4.

The leftovers are delicious cut into strips and put on a salad or diced and made into chicken salad.

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