Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Kasalia (Kale Soup)

On days that Pipsqueak has soccer, I don't get home until 6:30. I want to have dinner on the table as quickly as possible so I have to plan ahead. Today I made a family favorite, Kale Soup. We call it Kasalia, but it's just a made up word that's stuck. Here's the recipe:

1 pound italian sausage, casings removed
1 onion, chopped
1/2 c. red wine
1 48 oz. can beef broth
1 48 oz. can chicken broth
1-2 heads kale, cleaned, chopped into strips
6 bay leaves
2 cups rice, precooked
cayenne and black pepper to taste
grated cheddar cheese
Fry sausage and onion in a stock pot, chopping up sausage well until sausage is browned and onion is soft. Add red wine and scrape up any browned bits from the bottom of the pot. Add stock and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to simmer;
add kale, bay leaves and wine to stock. Simmer until kale is soft, maybe 15-30 mins.
Remove bay leaves, serve in bowls over a scoop of cooked rice and top with grated cheddar.
Freezes well, good for quick midwinter meals.

I have to give credit to my sister-in-law for this recipe. She had a soup in a Boston restaurant that she loved and this is what she came up with to replicate it. It couldn't be any more simple or delicious. After I had been making this for years, she made it for us last winter and I saw her putting in a can of tomatoes. "You never told me there was tomatoes in that soup, " I declared. "Oh, I forgot," was her response. I didn't really matter; it's good both ways.


  1. Yeah! Thanks for putting this up! I'm gonna try it this weekend if the weather is cool enough still. It was in the mid-70s today! Yall have already had a frost, cool. We don't get those til around Christmas some years.


    ps, the tomato soup looks tasty too!

  2. Yum! Kale so often gets a bum rap, but it really is tasty when prepared well. I'll have to remember this soup.
