Monday, September 29, 2008

More Less Stuff

I'm still in clean out mode, and more stuff went out the door this weekend.

Saturday was our area's Electronics Day. Once a year, they have a collection spot for about seven area towns to get rid of anything with a cord. Sweetie is a computer consultant for small businesses, so we had enough components, pieces and parts that some areas of our basement looked like a computer chop shop. We loaded my car with about 6 or 8 CPUs, a monitor, a VCR, a couple of laptops, a half a dozen keyboards and two big boxes of parts, mice, speakers, and cables. When I got to the collection area, the cars were 20 or 30 deep, but it was organized an efficient. About 20 minutes after arrival, my car was cleared out, and they only charged me $40.

It's amazing what you can fit in a car when you put your mind to it.

After that, we were off to the thrift store. I had two garbage bags, a box and a large mirror to remove from my life. Of course, I had to shop the thrift store afterward. I fondly refer to this as the "drop and shop". Since Pipsqueak was with me, she went straight for the stuffed animals. She already has so many stuffed animals that almost all species are represented, so I get a little Joan Crawford in "Mommie Dearest". "No more stuffed animals!!" minus the beating, of course. I had to admit they had some nice ones that day, so I thought maybe I could use this to my advantage. I told her that for every two stuffed animals she wanted, she had to tell me three at home that she would get rid of, so I did make progress there. She chose four "new" ones, and there are now six in bag ready for the next drop off.

Sweetie put some shelves in our living room closet this weekend, so today I'm organizing and finding more things to get rid off. My yarn stash is in there. I think I need the Joan Crawford treatment myself. "No more yarn!"

1 comment:

  1. Hi Betts, doesn't it feel good to clean out? The potpie recipes are listed on my sidebar under recipes. There are two! ENJOY!
