Wednesday, September 3, 2008

These Are a Few of My Favorite Blogs

I feel uninspired today. I think I'm fighting a cold that Pipsqueak has been suffering from for a week, and maybe I just need to get to bed earlier. Usually my best ideas come to me in the shower, but today the only things that came to me was that I'm running low on shower gel, and I should really change the blade in my razor. It's pretty hard to write a blog entry about that (even though it looks like I'm doing just that).

No, today, I'm going to share a few of my favorite blogs with you. But wait! Don't you be leaving me just 'cause theirs are better. They've been doing it longer than me. Give a girl a chance!

First is my true inspiration...
Crazy Aunt Purl - the true life diary of a thirty-something, newly divorced, displaced Southern obsessive-compulsive knitter who has four cats (because nothing is sexier than a divorced woman with four cats. Laurie Perry is laugh-out-loud funny. I read her book, "Drunk, Divorced and Covered in Cat Hair" first, and I wanted more. It didn't take me long to get hooked on her blog.

Apron Thrift Girl - I found this one when I was looking for blogs about thrift shopping. This girl really knows about working the thrift and yard sale scene, and she writes about other things that interest me cooking, parenting and living frugally. She takes some beautiful photographs, too.

A Day Late and a Dollar Short - frugal living, vegetarian cooking, yarn and a baby with a brain tumor. I think that says it all. She recently relocated from LA to Pennsylvania and it's uplifting to me to read about the positive changes in her life by getting out of the city. She also has an on-line knitting and craft store you can access through the blog.

Dalai Mama - I've been reading Catherine Newman's blog for years. It's probably the first blog I ever read. She was writing for Baby Center before Wondertime, and I tracked her down through her personal blog, but most of her more insightful and thoughtful entries on parenting are on Dalai Mama. She can get me all choked up sometimes.

Finally is the newest member of my blog family...
4 Reluctant Entertainers - real entertaining for real people. I only found this yesterday (thank you Apron Thrift Girl). I love to cook and we have lots of houseguests, and it's chock full of recipes. She also has beautiful photos of food, and next to eating food, I like looking at photos of it.

There! Since I don't have anything interesting to offer today, you can go read something that one of these lovely ladies has written. But come back tomorrow and hopefully, I'll be out of this slump.

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