Sunday, October 5, 2008

Judy Pancoast

We are fortunate to live near a college town... and not just any college town... Hanover, New Hampshire, home of Dartmouth College. College towns are full of cultural events, festivals and celebrations, and we try to take in as many as we can.

Dartmouth College's Hopkins Center for the Performing Arts puts on a HopStop Family series during the school year. Performances are free and they're held one Saturday each month. This month was Judy Pancoast and her Tune Crew. I saw her perform a couple of songs at an entertainer's showcase a couple of years ago, and I loved her enthusiasm and energetic singing style. I picked up one her CDs, and her song "One Big Eyeball" has been a regular in our house. Pipsqueak is also fond of "Stinky Feet". She writes songs that really speak to children. How about this one? "Are We There Yet?" where the title lyrics are sung something like 45 times in 3 minutes.

Before the performance, she was out meeting and greeting the audience. I noticed she repeated each name and many times made comments about the name. During the concert, she could recall many of the names of children in the audience. She encouraged dancing, and audience participation in many of the songs. After the performance, she and her dancers were available for autographs and photos. I thought it was great that she was so accessible; I think it drew the children to her even more.

Check out the music video on her website. She also has a blog.


  1. Groovy. I would love to go back to my old college town to live. So much goes on and so much...thought everywhere. Cute pic, too!

  2. HI..I just found your review and wanted to thank you for posting such positive comments about me, my music and our show! May I post a link to your blog on my website? Please let me know at
    And thanks again!
