Wednesday, October 29, 2008

More Snow

This was the scene outside when I got up this morning.  My grandfather used to say that in Vermont, we get 9 months of winter and 3 months of hard sledding.  With snow falling in October, he could be spot on this year.


  1. I can't believe you have snow, when it's been close to 80 here. Next week our rain comes ...

  2. Snow! This was the first year that we didn't have a snowstorm in October. We had frost and then freeze but no snow as yet. Which is great because I don't like to get up in the trees to shake the snow off as it is usually wet and heavy this time of the year, unlike later.

  3. Oh my gosh how beautiful!!! I am truly jealous of the snow- I live in Southern California and it has been in the 90s this past week!! Today is FREEZING or us at about 65 haha!! I may not have snow, but at least its cloudy today, that's all I ask! :)
