Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Would You Write Everyday in October for Free Lip Balm?

Apparently, I will... or at least I will try. I hear from Kittalog that it's National Blog Writing Month, starting today. I can't keep up with all these national months, but if free gifts are involved, it gets me interested. If you want to get in on this, go over to NaBloWriMo and leave a comment or drop her an email, and it's as easy as that... well, that and writing blog entries every single day for a whole month.

I wasn't planning to write today since I had to:
  • drop my daughter at school
  • go to a meeting for Environmental Learning for the Future
  • pick up my mom
  • go grocery shopping and run misc. errands
  • go home, put away food
  • eat lunch
  • finish getting house ready for guest coming late tonight
  • pick up daughter from school
  • make early dinner
  • go to Vermont Symphony Orchestra

but with lip balm dangling in front of me like a carrot in front of a horse, I found ten minutes.

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