Wednesday, November 12, 2008

My First Swap

Once I started blogging, I got introduced into the world of swapping. I just listened to the stories for awhile and felt unsure of how it all worked. When one of my blog friends, Apron Thrift Girl, sponsored a swap and it had a aqua and red theme, I knew my lurking days were over and I signed up. Even before I was assigned a partner, I had squirreled away a few items. Once I knew my partner was Megan, I read her entire blog to get an idea of what she's like and her interests. My box of goodies is now wrapped, packed and ready to mail tomorrow (only a day late, but I let her know it's coming).Since she likes to knit, I got her three skeins of red fun fur yarn. There are also aqua metal dot stickers, red taper candles, a Martha Stewart book on Parties and Projects for the Holidays (a thrift shop find), two pairs of handmade earrings (1 aqua, 1 red), three spools of ribbon, some Martha Stewart holiday nut ball mix, a red "green" bag (I love these; they fold up small so you can carry them in your purse until you need one), a strawberry pumice stone, an aqua felt flower frame, an aqua manicure kit and spray bottle, and a homemade aqua belt. I've got to admit to almost reconsidering the belt when I found out how talented she is with sewing (I am pretty mediocre), but the ribbon was so pretty that I decided to give it a go anyway.

I'm already signed up for another swap, the Merry Christmas Children's Book Swap. The deadline is November 14 to sign up, if you want to get in on it. A good source for swaps is Swapdex. An excellent article on swap etiquette can be found here.

1 comment:

  1. Fun! If I were more disciplined about getting stuff in the mail, I'd be more inclined to try it. As it is, I'm lucky if I can get my few mailed bills paid.
