Friday, January 16, 2009

Sunshine Martini

... but first, I have to talk about the weather. It's cold, and not just your regular, "brrr, it's chilly!" cold. This is frigid, run-from-the-house-to-the-car cold. How cold is it?
Yes, that's a "-" in front of that 13. Down in the valley, as I was taking Pipsqueak to school, it was 20 below. I was told yesterday that cold air settles in the valleys, hence the colder temps. One of the lunch ladies was right inside the door, passing cups of hot chocolate to everyone as they came in. But enough about that... it'll warm up.... someday.

In the meantime, we have all these oranges, and if I have a drink in the evening, I can forget for a few minutes how cold it is outside. I created what I named a "Sunshine Martini" the other night.
In a shaker half-filled with ice, put:

  • 2 oz. Absolut Mandarin
  • 1 oz. fresh squeezed orange juice
  • 1 oz. triple sec
Shake well and strain into a martini glass. Garnish with orange zest.
It's one of those sneaky drinks where you don't think you're drinking alcohol... until you try to stand. up.


  1. That sounds delicious and I'm ready to try it....uh...maybe not right this minute because it's Sunday morning at 10:00 am but definitely at my next cocktail hour! Hehehe!

    and WOW....I've NEVER been in weather that cold. Anything under 32 is CRAZY COLD for here in south Texas.

    I also enjoyed your earlier post about Blog etiquette....those are similar questions that I had. If the question is specific I'll try and email directly. Happy new Year from Houston!

  2. Come on down to central Gulf Coast Florida! I'll provide the oranges (right off the tree) if you bring the vodka!

  3. Awesome! Looks so very tasty and tropical. Minus 13 is THE PITS. How did your pipes fare?

  4. OMG, I am so glad that I escaped that horrific weather and landed in sunny Santa Barbara!
