Friday, January 23, 2009

That's My Bag

Today, I got tagged for a meme by Mama Bee at Mom to Bee. This one sounds like fun, and I get to show off something I love.

Here’s what you/I have to do:

1) Post a picture of whatever bag you are carrying as of late, and you can't go digging through the bowels of your closet for the cutest bag you have. So what if it's ugly; we'll love you anyway. It should be the bag you carried today or the last time you left the house.

2) Tell us how much it cost. Go ahead, and slay us with your frugality and your ability to grab a good deal. Or if you decided to pony up a lot of money, good for you, girl... you deserve it. And if there is a story to go along with how you obtained it, I’d love to hear it.

(3) Tag some of your people. And link back to me, so everyone knows why we're having this little show and tell.

So without further ado, here is my bag...
I got it for about $10 from Old Navy a few years ago. Since it's fleece, it's a winter-only bag. It's super roomy so I can toss in a small book or my mail. I get so many comments on it, and it makes me feel hip even though I'm somebody's mother. It's really hard to be hip when it's below zero, and I'm dressed so I resemble the Michelin Man.

Since Mama Bee shared her contents, I thought I would mine (a little show me yours, I'll show you mine).

  • my newly organized wallet
  • a pen
  • my cellphone
  • some feminine products ('cause you never know)
  • a miniature deck of playing cards (in case Pipsqueak exceeds her patience level while we're waiting for something)
  • lipstick
  • chapstick
  • an emery board
  • dental floss
  • pumpkin spice scented hand lotion
  • and my matching zebra print gloves.
Somewhere I have a scarf that matches this bag and gloves, but I couldn't find it today in the avalanche-prone area that is known as our coat closet. That will have to be an area of re-organization soon.

I'm glad I didn't get this meme a couple of weeks ago before I cleaned out my bag. There was probably six months of receipts, three or four old grocery lists, a salon's worth of hair accessories, postage stamps, and who knows what else.

And now for the tagging...


  1. ooh fun.
    i've never been tagged for this one before.

  2. Really cool bag. I like this tag. Not that my bag is something special, but I´ll give it a try next week!

  3. Wow. The matching gloves really make this.

  4. Wait a minute! Did you buy the purse, gloves and scarf all at the same time? Or did it take time to find all three?

  5. Coming late to this party, I'll snap a picture this weekend!! I LOVE my purse!!

