Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Staycation, Day 1, Part 2

Saturday evening, we went to our town's Tiki Torch Trek. As darkness was falling, we snowshoed around the well-groomed trails, all lit with tiki torches and marked with famous poems on the subject of nature. It was a beautiful, starry night with mild temperatures of mid-20s. That seems pretty comfortable after dealing with sub-zeroes.

Pipsqueak has the modern, light-weight, short profile snowshoes, but Sweetie and I prefer the old-fashioned, wood and rawhide version. Their only drawback is slippage on steep inclines.

After our hike, we returned to a roaring bonfire and tables of food provided by local restaurants and grocers: cheddar cheese soup, chili, an array of sandwiches, hot chocolate and hot cider, and enough desserts to rot our teeth or give us a monster stomach ache.


  1. Wow, that sounds like fun! I can't imagine 20's seeming warm though. We seldom even get into the 20's here in South Texas!

  2. 20 degrees is MILD????? I'm such a wimp. It doesn't often get into the 30s here in my neck of the woods (Sacramento, CA)

  3. You guys make winter seem not nearly so sucky...
