Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Remember When-sday - Cars

It's been a couple of weeks since I did a look back. This week it's cars. Do you remember:
  • The Edsel, the Rambler, the Studebaker, the Thing
  • Push button transmissions
  • Bench seats
  • Shift levers on the steering column
  • Low riders
  • Kit cars
  • Dune buggy kits
  • Baby on board signs on suction cups
  • Styrofoam Balls on top of the antenna
  • Before radios and when there was only radios
  • Before seat belts
  • Chrome details
  • White wall tires
  • The VW bus
  • Before fuel injection?


  1. We had an orange VW bus when I was a little kid!! Once we drove from east Texas to New Mexico and Colorado on a camping spree in it and had to park on hills so we could roll down fast enough to get it to start(I don't know what was wrong with it). When I was 10 my dad painted rust, cream and yellow stripes on it. In. the. backyard. He sold it soon after and the new owners wrecked it. I was so sad!


  2. I remember shifting on the steering column, the baby signs, and the styro balls. Everything else was before my time :) But a friend of mine has a Thing. It's yellow :)
