Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Remember When-sday - Telephones

Do you remember:
  • glass-enclosed phone booths with folding doors
  • one phone company
  • party lines
  • before answering machines
  • only having to dial 5 numbers for local calls
  • switchboards
  • phone books on chains at pay phones
  • before 911
  • before caller ID
  • busy signals
  • dialing long distance through an operator
  • rings that actually sounded like bells
  • princess trimline phones

  • having to redial because you caught your finger in the dial
  • dialing your own number and hanging up quickly and your phone would ring
  • calling the operator for the correct time
  • being able to move only as far as the cord would reach?


  1. yes, yes and YES. What a fun post. I remember standing in a bright red english phone booth that had things on the floor that I couldnt even mention on this comment, giggling with my friend because we were calling a boy we liked! The doors to those phone boxes are SO heavy I would be surprised if they are still around. I haven't been home in 7 years so I am not too sure.

  2. yep...remember it all.

    gosh what did i do without caller id?!?! i hate answering the phone---even if its someone i want to talk to it stresses me out a bit. i cant imagine life without my caller id!

  3. When I first moved to the island we only had to dial the last four digits of the number. We didn't get touch tone service until afdter 1989. I can't remember the exact date, but I know it was after that.

  4. I remember it all! My grandparents had a party line where each person had a certain ring so they knew to pick up the phone. Of course, Grandma knew the other party line members' rings and sometimes listened in on the conversations!

  5. YEP, I remember!! My butt was forever planted on a very uncomfortable barstool in our dining room before cordless phones. In fact, I'm pretty sure my parents didn't get a cordless til well after I married!


  6. Yes, to some. But before 911? When was that?

  7. Oh, party lines! My sister, Lee, could tell you some fun stories about those!
