Wednesday, March 11, 2009


What is wrong with me?! I can't seem to stick with anything lately. I actually forget what I'm doing sometimes until I get back to that area and find the remains of whatever I was doing sitting there. I've started cleaning up my office, straightening and cleaning kitchen cabinets, recovering dining room chairs, making greeting cards, making jean bags, and who knows what else. This afternoon I started thinking about spring cleaning Pipsqueak's room, which would involve pulling everything out of there and doing a thorough cleaning. It was then I became aware of what I was doing and slammed on the brakes.

Maybe it's spring fever. There are so many things I want to do, but I've been busy with meetings and appointments the last couple of weeks, so I've had little time for big projects. Whatever, it is, it's got to stop because I'm getting a lot of things started and nothing done.

Tonight, I'm going to make a list. (I love lists!) I will write down all the projects I want to do for the next two or three months. I always get a feeling of accomplishment when I make a list and get to cross something off. My list will help me remember what I've been working on and give me choices so I can do something I really feel like doing. I'll make a rule that I can't have more than three projects in progress at one time.... okay, maybe four.


  1. Having the same problem here. I feel like I'm swimming through the day. I'd really like my brain back.

  2. I make tons of lists but lose them, so I'm no better than before I made the list. Plus I wasted the time making the list, so I'm actually worse off :)

  3. Im going through the same thing here. it's very frustrating.

    i love lists problem is that throughout the day i add to the list so at the end of the day it's even longer than when i started and only a few things are crossed off. i usually end up feeling discouraged.

  4. I was bouncing around from one unfinished task to another at work today (and between my Outlook tasks and a paper list I'd jotted down), too. Not so productive. Maybe it is this time of year... I'm still blaming the time change, the dark mornings, taking sleepy kids to daycare, MUD.... "serenity now!"

  5. We sure do have a lot in common. We have an only child who is a girl, we love to knit,like classic rock, I love lists and lately my brain cells have disappeared from my head where I cant concentrate or get my mind around anything! I think my doctor took away some brain cells during my last surgery!

  6. At least you get something started before you forget. Then when you walk into the room, you recognize what it was you were doing before abandoning it. I walk into a room and completely forget what I came in there for, so I can't even get the darn thing going, whatever it was!

    OMG! my word verification is "bleated". I SO have to capture this!

  7. Yeah, what everybody else said....
