Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Two Goals Accomplished

I feel like doing a happy dance right here in my kitchen. I got two major things done today... one I hated and one that excited me.

I did the worst part first, and finished putting all the tax stuff together to send to the accountant. I don't mind paperwork and paying bills... I even enjoy it a little bit, truth be told, but when it comes to taxes, I'm crippled. It's all fear and uncertainty for me. It's too complicated and I don't understand it, therefore I fear it. But it's done and in the envelope sealed. Now I'll just sit back and sweat until the accountant tells us if we owe are are owed.

Then on to the good stuff. I finally launched my Etsy shop. I'm starting with selling earrings, but will add some other things later. The organza bags I ordered to package the earrings in are still being held hostage in US Customs in China. They've been there since February 5th. I bought a few from a US vendor which cost more and aren't as big, but at least I could get started. If you want to have a peek, go to http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=6649643. I put up about half my earring inventory today, and will put up more later in the week.


  1. oooh, im so excited about the etsy shop!

  2. The shop looks great. Well done! I especially like the green glow ones and the victorian looking plum ones.
    I like your father-in-law's worst first concept, too. That was Thomas Jefferson's philosophy also (or at least they tell you that on the tour of Monticello). He said, if you do the thing that you like the least, first thing, your whole day is better because you have the sense accomplishment the rest of the day (paraphrased). I've been meaning to try this out.
