Friday, April 17, 2009

Getting There is Half the Fun

Somehow, Google Map's estimate of 9 hours ending up taking 12 or 13, but we did see some interesting sights and had some fun along the way.

First a tip… When traveling by car with a child or children, you must have plenty of snacks and activities. I packed crackers, rice cakes, oatmeal cookies, grapes, peanuts and water, all in large quantities. Her activities were a set of ten twistable crayons, a pencil, an activity book, a pad of plain paper, three Candy Pop Girls dolls with their pets, a small stuffed bunny and a unicorn and books on CD.

It all went smoothly until just before the George Washington Bridge connecting New York City with New Jersey. It didn’t help that we were there during rush hour, but it took us about an hour and a half to go three miles. The questions reached a fever pitch…”How much longer?” “When will we be there?” “How many miles have we gone since I asked last time?” We were so close (we were spending the night in New Jersey), but yet, so far.

Finally, after leaving Vermont about midday Thursday and driving through Massachusetts, Connecticut and New York, we arrived at our resting spot in Summit, New Jersey about 7:30 pm. Pipsqueak got some good cous’ buzz playing with her cousins, and I got to check out how my sister-in-law is doing with her breast cancer battle. While her breasts are looking amazingly good three weeks post-op with the tissue expanders in for her reconstruction, her face tells the tale, as she seems to have lost a little brightness and twinkle she once had. With five weeks of radiation to come, I don’t think I’d look very bright and twinkly either.

About midday Friday, we were southbound again. We left New Jersey and drove into Pennsylvania. A friend of ours recommended Pat's King of Steaks in Philadelphia at the corner of Wharton and 9th to get a Philly cheese steak, so we got off the highway for a little side trip. While in line, we were told by a local that it was the best cheese steak in all of Philly, and he wouldn’t even look at the flashier spot across the road.

He also instructed us in the art of ordering. If you’re familiar with Seinfeld’s soup Nazi, these are the cheese steak Nazis. If you don’t order the right way, you’ll be ignored and they’ll call “Next!” We got our order accepted with my, “Two Americans, One Wit.” I have to admit, I was a little frightened at the prospect of being rejected. They lived up to their reputation, and we were plenty satisfied even though we shared with Pipsqueak.

Back on the highway, we left Pennsylvania, drove through Delaware, Maryland, and around Washington DC on the beltway where we’re were again delayed by commuter traffic and into Virginia where we’re staying with Sweetie’s cousin. Tomorrow, the D.C. adventures begin.

1 comment:

  1. OMG, I saw this on a food show, on the travel channel!!! Not too long ago in fact. Both places were on but Pat's was the feature.

    I am SOOOO freaking jealous of your trip! In a good way of course, lol. It has my wheels spinning for a 20th anniversary trip(September of 2010). hmmmm.

    Hope you aren't too worn out by the end!!

    Molly(ha, my veriword is "gagiblat")
