Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Happy Cinco de Mayo

We always celebrate Cinco de Mayo, because even though we don't need an excuse to eat tacos and drink Caronas and margaritas, it's nice to have one. My tacos weren't photogenic. I don't know how Taco Bell does it, but I'm guessing it's specialized lighting and chemically enhanced food. The margaritas were especially pretty ...
but not too pretty to drink.

I don't even know what Cinco de Mayo is about. I should probably look it up so I'm not totally ignorant... after my tequila buzz is gone.


  1. Yum, I especially love frozen margaritas.

  2. Happy Cinco. I usually go to an Irish pub on 5/5, 'cause it's not crowded and service is better :)

  3. We had burritos from the local mexican restaurant that is struggling. The food was not good but the mexican coke was delish. I love strawberry margarita, frozen. yummmm

    Happy Cinco. Growing up in England this was not a holiday so I am pleased to add this one to my celebrations list

  4. ha! your tacos weren't photogenic. been there!

    the Cinco day came and went in our home ...

    no tacos! :) happy WED.

  5. Being in east Texas, we eat Mexican food ALL the time. Cinco de Mayo doesn't flip my switch so we had bbq chicken instead. I woke up craving tacos, having read many blogs/facebook posts about everyone's celebrations! Must make them soon! Our favorite is fajitas though, we usually have these instead of tacos.

    Your magaritas look ooooh soooo good!


  6. Jealous. I forgot to make margaritas. Damn.

    Happy May 6?

  7. those margaritas look amazing.

  8. hahaha!! Looks like fun! That's the way to celebrate, no?! :)

    And for the record... I think it's when Mexico conquered the French/ broke away offically. haha, I learned about it for a news story I had to write!

  9. Tacos aren't supposed to be photogenic--they're just supposed to be yummy! We had a Bunco Babes feast with enchiladas, chile con queso, and of course the ubiquitous margaritas. We should have all called each other when we woke up at 1 a.m. with our heads pounding--how DO Mexicans do it???

  10. Haha, they are quite photogenic. Happy late cinco de mayo!
