Monday, May 18, 2009

Pipsqueak's Birthday Party

Pipsqueak turns 7 on Friday, but we had her party on Saturday to avoid the Memorial Day weekend. This year she chose a pottery painting party at Tip Top Pottery. Having a party off site makes my life easier... I don't have to get the house ready or clean it up after, and the kids don't get distracted from party activities by Pipsqueak's toys.

She invited six friends. I always insist the invitees be kept to a small, manageable number. They spent at least 45 minutes painting their pottery. That was followed by cake and punch. Sweetie likes to show off his pouring technique to the delight of the girls.
Pipsqueak told me she wanted a pegasus unicorn cake, but I asked how she would feel about a pegasus jumping over a rainbow. Once she readily agreed, I had to get down to the business of figuring out how to make that happen. It was easy thanks to Wilton Color Spray.
Two hours from when it all started, the presents were opened and the goody bags distributed. Now to enjoy the 364 days until we do it again.


  1. Looks like a wonderful party! Love the cake, too! Very cool! Happy Birthday Pipsqueak :)

  2. i love how all the girls look like they are trying so hard and working so intently on what they are doing.

  3. Tammie, what you see is the way they were. Very focused, each one, for the duration. They loved it.

    Sweetie to photog

  4. Looks like a blast! Happy Birthday, Pipsqueak!

  5. Hi Betts,
    That looks like an awesome party! The cake is darling. Happy Birthday, Pipsqueak!

  6. what a fabulous party! Happy Birthday Pipsquake. You have a supercool mom.
