Monday, June 22, 2009

Just Dance

This weekend, Pipsqueak had her annual dance recital... four shows in two days, each lasting 2.3 hours, a half hour early arrival time, one hour round trip travel. That means I put 15.2 hours of my weekend into the show and that doesn't include makeup and bun time. Don't get me wrong; it was a fantastic show, beautifully produced, choreographed and costumed, and I'm proud as punch of Pipsqueak. But man, I'm I ever tired today, and when I closed my eyes to go to sleep last night, I swear I saw dancers... sort of like you see square tiles after playing Tetris too long.

Pipsqueak has been dancing since she was three years old... ballet and tap until this year when she swapped tap for jazz. She saw a ballerina on Sesame Street shortly after turning three and told me she wanted to learn to dance ballet. I started looking for local studios and found Dancers' Corner. I found a couple of others, but Dancer's Corner had a nice website with all the information I needed, so I picked them because I'm lazy and didn't want to make phone calls. It turned out to be a fortuitous if under-researched choice, since I've heard at least one other studio has a militant method of teaching; I wanted the experience to be fun. DC manages to teach the young children through play. I don't think the children even realize their learning. They get to wear their pretty little tutus and ballets skirts instead of a "uniform" of black leotards and pink tights.
She cried at her first recital and didn't make it on stage for her final number, and told me on the way home that she NEVER wanted to do that again. I told her she didn't have to, but I spent time talking to her about her experience, and my experience playing in orchestra, and acting in plays. I explained how the audience is rooting for the performer to succeed, the gift of entertainment and the powerful, exciting feeling of making an audience laugh or hearing applause. When recital time came around again, she still didn't want to do it, but I bought tickets for us to go and watch. Her reactions, "I wish I had that pretty costume," and "I could have done that!" There was no question that she would perform in the next recital, and she's loved the stage ever since.
There were approximately230 dancers performing last weekend ranging in age from 2 to 80+. There was a tribute to the two senior girls that would be leaving the studio after dancing there for 10 and 12 years. I was struck with the thought that it could be my daughter in only 11 more years. When the time comes for her to leave home, I'll only have memories of the all the time we spent together and the wish that I had another weekend that I could devote to her.


  1. that is a lot of dancing.
    my congrats to pip. she looked lovely.

  2. I love how tasteful the costumes are. I did ballet for one year and for the recital, I wore this purple satin thing with sequins. I'm still not sure if it was a tacky 80s thing, or a tacky Brooklyn thing.

  3. I love to watch dancing. My son took dancing when he was in 3rd grade.He loved Riverdance and Michael Flatley. He was the only boy in his tap and jazz classes. He enjoyed dancing, but he didn't like being the only boy.

  4. Oh, the memories! Funny, as I fell asleep last night I was thinking about how much I DON'T like to dance. It's one of those things I wish I'd gotten over my fear about as a kid. I was watching the Matthew Broderick version of "Music Man" the other night and thinking about all of us and the wonderful memories I still have of being able to achieve something like that as a group. Don't you worry about old Pip--she's a ham at heart with a long career in entertainment in front of her. How could she not? Look at her parents!

  5. I wish I could dance like that too bad I can’t, but I love to watch people dance.

  6. Ballet is my target dance to learn that’s why, I have so much fun looking at these photos. Children having their ballet dancing look so cute!!!!
