Monday, June 1, 2009

Quick Trip to the Beach

Things are still crazy mostly due to end of year school activities. Teachers sure try to pack in a lot of stuff in that last month. I'm looking forward to the more relaxed morning of summer vacation.

I'm so behind that I'm just now getting my Memorial Day weekend photos off my camera. We went to Annisquam, Massachusetts to get some pre-peak fun in the sun and sand. That weekend is always a big push for me to get the garden in, but Sweetie likes to go away. As the happily marrieds that we are, we compromised. I had Saturday to do my work, and we went away Sunday and Monday. I have to admit it's great being there before the vacationers arrive... just us and a few other die hard beach combers.
Pipsqueak met up with a second cousin. They waded out to the dock at low tide and did some critter exploration... land crabs, hermit crabs and shrimp.
Sweetie and Pipsqueak went swimming even though the water was freezing. It's got to be 90-something degrees, humid and not a breeze stirring before I'll swim in the Atlantic.

There's no better way to kick off summer than to sit outside a lobster shack on the water just before sunset mowing down a quart of steamed clams. It may look like I'm just eating salad, but I had a belly full of clams, too.
And jeez, my hair didn't travel well. This is what I look like after three hours in the car, then add sunblock and salt spray, mix thoroughly. Bake in warm sun for three hours. Ugh!

The next day, we met up with more family who were travelling with the five-week-old products of a successful dachshund breeding. Nothing says happy kid like a lap full of puppies.


  1. that beach looks deserted and gorgeous.

    i love the look on pips face in the dinner picture. so cute.

  2. Mmmmmmmmm clams....

    Sounds like a great time.

  3. thanks for sharing those wonderful photos. I have decided to take a leave of absence from the blogworld. I need to simplify my life. After spending 3 relaxing, technology free days with hubby in Nashville, it is even more obvious to me how obsessed lately I have been with blogging. Out of all my bloggy friends I am going to miss you the most. I will check in with you on your blog though. Talk soon. Clare

  4. You know, I was thinking you looked great, hair included!

  5. I want to nom those puppies. You can keep the clams, tho.
