Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A Kick in the Pants

It's that time of year again... National Blog Writing Month, or as the "in crowd" calls it NaBloWriMo. A bunch of us crazies have pledged to write a blog post every day in the month of October. I did it last year, and it was a challenge, but also a lot of fun. I got to read and love a few new blogs, and I picked up a new reader or two myself.

I think this is the kick in the pants I need because you may have noticed that I've been rather absent from blog world lately. I'll take one more day off to gather my thoughts and seek inspiration in the mundane moments of every day life. Then stand back and watch the posts roll in like waves on the North Shore of Oahu.

Wanna join me? C'mon, you know you do. Don't be scared. If it doesn't work out, nothing bad will happen... bad luck will not befall you. If you succeed, what do you get? The personal satisfaction of accomplishing a goal. Just pop over to NaBloWriMo and leave a comment that you want to join. See you on the blog roll, baby!


  1. im scared. should i do it? im tempted.....

  2. im still scared but i signed up anyway. crap can i do this??

    either way, im looking forward to having you back for the month. youve been missed.:)

  3. I don't think I want to torture people that way....:D

  4. I left a comment that I wanted to sign up but dont see me on the list! drats

  5. I didn't see that she wanted our email and blog address. I sent an email begging to be put on the list!
