Saturday, October 24, 2009

Dartmouth Homecoming Parade and Bonfire 2009

We've been attending and loving this event for 13 years, maybe missing one or two years.  The parade kicks off with all of Dartmouth's athletic teams, from football to golf, riding in the back of pick up trucks and pelting candy to kids on the sidelines.  Note to self:  next year wear a hardhat.  Some of the trucks were so overloaded with musclebound athletes that their tires looked flat.  This is followed by a march of the attending alumni.  It ends with the raucous run of the freshman class up Main Street to the green.

At this point, we seek refreshment somewhere for a half hour to forty-five minutes during the speeches.  This year is was hot cider and cupcakes at the bookstore cafe.  We went back outside to a drizzle, but we didn't let that dampen our spirits.

We arrived on the green and found a good spot along the caution tape just in time for the lighting of the bonfire.  The freshman continued their run in a circle around the bonfire until the left sides of their bodies were well roasted.

It all sounds a bit weird when I write it, but it sure is fun.  Don't you wish you were there?

1 comment:

  1. this sounds really exciting.

    our towns homecoming parade (for the University of Florida) is lame lame lame.
