Monday, October 26, 2009


I can't do it. I can't not post. I told Sweetie that I was taking the night off, but NaBloWriMo guilt set in. So how about a quickie? ...

I went to Vermont DMV today to renew my license. I hear people complain about DMVs a lot... the lines are long, the wait interminable, the employees cranky and clueless. I've got to hand it to Vermont DMV because none of those things are true. I was in and out in six minutes, there were two people ahead of me, and the woman waiting on me was friendly and efficient.

I have only one complaint. My photo looks horrible. The focus is soft, the lighting is horrible, and I should have lifted my chin so it wouldn't look like I had two or three of them. But I suppose at $45 for four years, I shouldn't be expecting something framable.

And I have a confession to make. My weight on my license is what it was when I got my license when I was sixteen years old. I'm now ten twenty thirty pounds heavier, but I won't change it. It says "weight", not "actual weight", so we'll just say it's a "goal weight."

So, tell me what your DMV is like and whether or not the weight is accurate on your license.


  1. My DL weight is only off by about 7 lbs, but I've only had the license for 10 years here. But going to the DMV? You need to make an appt, and even so, you end up waiting an interminably long time. And the folks aren't so friendly.

  2. My DL weight is 20 pounds lighter! If you make an appointment the Cali. DMV is not bad at all. If you don't you can kiss goodbye two hours of your life

    NaBloMo never let me in. Sniff.

  3. no way. the weight on mine is about 10 pound lighter. i keep hoping to get back to that........

  4. My DL weight is only about 10 lbs lighter. Getting the license renewed is fast and efficient here..but Lord help you if you are taking a teen to get his DL. They are only here once every other week, line up, first come first served....I've been there 5 hours once and thanks to being there 45 minutes before they opened, 1 1/2 hours the other time.

  5. The weight is correct. And if makes me want to hurl. The picture also makes me look decidedly demented. Excellent.

  6. Oh my goodness that made me laugh out loud. I must remember just says weight and I can use my goal weight.

    I saw Oprah show you have to hold your head at the DMV so you don't get chins. It has never worked for me. I always end up looking like a prison inmate....hence why my weight is so low. The slammer has horrible food.

  7. "Goal weight." I like that. Beautiful.

  8. I've had the same Vermont positive experience at the DMV. Lovely compared to NY & even NH experiences. Weight is definitely not correct & when I renew by mail this time in November, it will still not be correct. No way I'm going to suck the joy out of the few times a year I get asked to see my I.D. by adding my actual weight.

  9. I put mine a little heavier in the first place, so I'm always safe unless something goes terribly wrong!
