Friday, October 30, 2009

Halloween Photo

So tired, so cold, so wanna go to bed. I'll leave you with Pipsqueak as the beheaded queen and me as Raggedy Andy.


  1. Your costumes are so cooooool! Pipsqueak looks fantastic. I bet that she was stoked.

    I am going as a tootsie roll tomorrow and R. is going to be a fairy princess. I am sure that I will be tired and cold

    BTW, dr says he is 99% sure I am ok and 1% I may have congenitive heart failure. I will take those odds. Have to have another treadmill though

  2. gorgeous costumes.
    i want pips gown.

    happy halloween betts!
    only one more day of can do it!

  3. I was 'static cling' one year a while back - wore all black and pinned socks and underwear to myself.

    Got quite a reaction:)

    Love your blog!!


  4. Okay, now you're putting me to shame FOR REALS. I couldn't make my kids look like that if I tried. I'm SO not creative. Can I borrow you next year please?
