Sunday, October 4, 2009

I Love Apples... a Bushel and a Peck

Okay, technically it was a 1/2 bushel and a 1/2 peck, but it was still a hell of a lot of apples.
I bought a 1/2 peck of Cortland at the store, because I couldn't wait to make apple crisp with this year's fresh apples. Two days later, we went apple picking and picked a 1/2 bushel of Cortland, Macoun and Honey Crisp.
I made more apple crisp, and apple pie, along with a banana bread from three overlooked bananas.Every snack request has been met with apples. They've been regularly munched and packed in lunches, but I still had a 1/4 peck left and they weren't so crispy fresh anymore. Today I made a big pot of chunky applesauce...
another round of apple crisp...
and apple mini muffins.
All my recipes came from the Betty Crocker Cookbook. It's the first cookbook I ever owned, and I always seem to turn to it for the classics.

I still have 10 tiny apples left, but I think I'll chuck them down the hill for the deer to munch on.


  1. Oh yum! I bet your house smells so delicious right now!


  2. Your pie looks like it came from a magazine! I'm jealous! You need to teach me your method!! Sydney is adorable too (as always)!!!

  3. Mmmm, we picked recently too. The Honey Crisps are my favorite! All of your goodies look delicious! My Mom gave me a Betty Crocker cookbook when I left home. It is the classic cookbook. I remember the pages falling out of Moms.

  4. im so jealous of all your northerners and your apple picking.

  5. Hey! I have not had breakfast yet and that apple crisp looks delicious. Actually, it all looks delicious. I bet your house smells like winter. I always think of winter when there's baking going on.

    If you get a chance, zip over to my blog. I gave you the Super Scribbler Award today.

    Straight From Hel

  6. OMG, that apple crisp looks YUMMY!!!

    First picture is adorable!

  7. I'll trade you an orange for an apple....

  8. Oh man, your pictures are making me hungry!! I'm actually going to be in Vermont next weekend, and apple picking is at the top of my list. I can't wait!
