Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Technologically Challenged

This is an experiment necessitated by desperation. My computer isn't working, so I'm attempting to churn out a post on my iPhone. I've come this far on NaBloWriMo; I don't want to fail now. This is no easy task and there is no app for this. It took me five attempts just to accurately his the "New Post" button. Just to make things a little more interesting, the 20% battery warning came up a few moments ago. Yes, just pile on the pressure while I'm typing with my thumbs. I can't go back and read what I've written without pressing the "Done" button. Just shoot me now and put me out of my misery. This says a few things about me: I'm dogged in my determination, tenacious as a terrier and when I say I'm going to do something, I do it. I'm also not foolish, so I'm going to attempt to hit "publish" before my battery dies and I lose everything.


  1. By virtue of this post alone, I am following you. You are a blogging goddess.

  2. You can blog via text message or email! It's a lot easier than trying to use the web interface on your phone. Though you'll have to use the web to set it up.

  3. You're a step ahead of me - I don't even have an iphone. And you ARE the blogging goddess.

  4. And I can comment via iPhone--well done, my intrepid friend!
