Sunday, February 22, 2009

Orange Day

It's nothing but white outside as we're getting around a foot of snow today, but inside, things are looking sunny. I had more orange than I thought I did. It was my favorite color when I was a kid. I was a bit of a non-conformist... no pink or purple for me. Pipsqueak's room was a treasure trove of orange.
This is Sunburst, she lives in Fairytopia and was once kidnapped by the evil Laverna. She is a sparkle fairy and can't get wet, so Laverna held her in a bubble underwater rendering her powerless. And I know way more about this fairy than any grown woman should.
This is a rainbow tooth fairy. I gave Pipsqueak one every time she lost a tooth. She has the whole rainbow now.
A garland of paper monarch butterflies hangs from her ceiling.
I had a few orange things of my own.
My turtle lamp...
And an orange bottle from my collection of colored bottles.
I love this abstract that Pipsqueak made in school so much that I framed it and hung it in the dining area.
Tomorrow is yellow day.


  1. I love all your orange.

    Where did you get the rainbow tooth fairies? That's a cute idea.

  2. Nice orange collection! I have a similar turtle lamp!YIKES, a foot of snow. It is sunny, breezy and 67degrees here. I think that is a bit cool in the wind myself! Otherwise, I would be out in the yard pulling weeds!

  3. Wonderful orange! You are brightening my winter white days.

  4. Wow, I don't know if I have ANYTHING that is orange. Not even an orange!

  5. Love the fairies. My daughter would love them.

  6. I hope you don't mind me barging in, but I have been looking for this lamp for a while now. I know it's a long shot, but I was wondering if you happen to know who made it or where you got it? I would appreciate it so much! Thanks.

  7. My daughter has all of those tooth fairys, but is there a purple one? because if there is she's lost it ^_^
