Saturday, February 21, 2009

Red Day

I could fill a memory card with red things around my house. As a matter of fact, I did, but I narrowed it down to my favorites or most photogenic for your viewing pleasure.

This is our beta fish, named Kip (or as I like to call him, Kipper Snack). He has a big roomy bowl, and he gets very excited when someone stops by to look at him. He thinks food might be involved. This was his first photo session.
I got this candle holder from Kohl's right after Christmas. It was marked down form $40 to $6. I never would have paid $40 for it.
I used to have a cow tea kettle, but I got this one a few years ago after we got our new Wolf range...

so it would match the knobs on the front.
I was so sad when Bombay and Co. is out of business. I found this great feathered lamp there, and it look so good in the sitting room. They got a lot of business from me over the years.

We don't sit in this leather club chair very often since it faces away from the television, but it has great sentimental value. It belonged to my father-in-law. When we chose new furniture for the living room, it was selected with this chair in mind.Finally, are my daughter's ruby slippers. I just pulled them out of her closet because they're too small. She's had them in about four different sizes.

Tomorrow is orange day. That might be challenging. I can't believe I have much orange around here.


  1. that red leather chair is amazing.

    too funny, my tea kettle is red too
    but i couldn't get a decent picture of it.

  2. I love that chair too. My kids, however, think the ruby slippers are the best.

  3. Loved the pic´s. The shoes are gorgeous!

  4. HI..I love all your red. I just put up new red toile curtains in my kitchen.. You may already know that ..not sure..You're my winter swap partner. Glad to see all your red!
