Saturday, October 10, 2009

"Julie and Julia"... and Me

Sweetie and I had a little date afternoon/early evening since Pipsqueak was at a five-hour birthday party. We saw "Julie and Julia". Before we got there, I was thinking about writing a review of it for the blog, but I was worried that I wouldn't have anything fresh to say. I'd read a few reviews and I'd heard people talk about it... "The food and cooking made me hungry."... "Streep just nailed Julia Child"... "The two stories blended perfectly like a good hollandaise sauce." I was afraid it had all been said before, but I'm thinking I saw a different movie than most people saw.

I was overwhelmed by the the love story between Julia, and her husband, Paul. There was an uncommonly strong bond between them fueled by adoration, acceptance and support. They shared glances that spoke volumes without uttering a word; they touched each other often... a hand on the arm or shoulder... a loving squeeze. They were always there for each other.

A defining moment in the movie for me was near the beginning when they were sitting in a restaurant in France. Julia said that she didn't know what to do. "The women here don't do anything." And that just wasn't her. She was considering a class in hat making (which she tried and didn't enjoy). Paul asked her, "What do you really like to do?" She laughed and said, "Eat!" He was encouraging her to do what would make her happy.

I think Julia was probably easy to love. As Julie said, she wasn't a bitch. She didn't take herself or life too seriously. She was equally supportive of Paul as she followed him around the world, wherever his work took him. She seemed kind and supportive to friends and relatives.

There was contrast in Julie's relationship with her husband, who complained that she was self-absorbed. Even though Julia spent eight years writing a cookbook, she still made time to make her husband feel important and loved.

The movie also left me thinking that maybe I should have a lofty goal. Julie's was too cook all 524 recipes from "Mastering the Art of French Cooking" in 365 days. I don't want to do that, particularly the part where I'd have to boil a calf's foot in order to make aspic. But I should find something that inspires me, set a deadline and do it.


  1. Your assessment of the movie is spot on. When you judge Julie's marriage, remember that she had a day job and a blog to keep up, on top of all tat challenging cooking. No wonder her marriage suffered. Julia was free to follow her passions while her husband was at work.

  2. I was touched by Julia & her husband's relationship too. Watching the movie, I found myself wondering if that part was true-to-life from their real story.

    Now I'm imagining how it might have been if Julia worked a full time job and tried to accomplish all in a year instead of 8. Maybe I'll not over-think (for once), and just imagine they would've been equally as supportive and loving towards one another under that strain.

    Great movie, great acting! Enjoyed your review. Did you notice the microphone that kept poking in at the top of the screen?

  3. I have yet to see the movie but hope it will inspire me to learn to cook a bit more (though I have to say, our "enhanced" mac & cheese today was just fine without the aspic!). I'll let you know what more I think about the movie after I see it.
