Sunday, October 11, 2009


We had a hard frost last night, and I hear it's going to be down in the 20s tonight. Our most important winter preparation is done; our fire wood is bought and stacked. That was finished in June, but there is still plenty to do...
  • clean up the last three raised beds in the veggie garden (four are already done)
  • wash the windows, take out the screens and put the storms down (there are 27 windows in our house)
  • caulk around some leaky windows
  • weatherstrip a leaky door
  • clean out the deck pots and store them away
  • put away the outdoor toys (bubbles, balls, bats, etc.)
  • wash and put away the bikes
I'd like to clean out the shed and tidy it, too, but I think snow will be flying before I get to that. Sweetie still has to bushhog the field and give the lawn a final mow. The lawn grew into October this year. It usually stops by the end of August, but it was so wet this summer, it just kept on going.

What do you have to do to get ready for winter?

1 comment:

  1. We finished the final things on our list yesterday. That was washing the windows. We had the house painted, repaired the lawns, fixed the fence, caulked the windows and cleaned the furnace.

    All ready for the winter. (Although California winters aren't that bad at all)
