I knew that purple would be easy. Pipsqueaks's favorite colors are purple and pink, so there would be plenty of examples in her room. Before I went there, I thought I'd look for some in the rest of the house. I'm enjoying these daily walking tours of my home.

I got these purple beaded placemats at Pier 1 right after Christmas. They were in a jumble in the clearance shelf, but I managed to find six of them.

I placed the winning bid on this amethyst piece at a silent auction last month. I love geodes and semi-precious stones. This piece was one of the deepest purple I had seen.

This print of Artist's Garden in Giverny by Monet hangs in our bedroom and was a Christmas gift from Sweetie a few years ago. I love impressionist paintings, especially Monet's, because they show the world the way I see it without my glasses.
Now we're on to Purple Central, Pipsqueak's room...

I'm greeted at the door by this purple, sparkly star.

A friend gave her this egg music box which plays "Spring" from Vivald's "Four Seasons.
When Pipsqueak heard today was purple, she started gathering up her things and arranging them in this display before she went to school.

It looks like purple threw up on her floor. I noticed she missed a few things, but that was plenty.
I hope you enjoyed this project as much as I did. When flowers are in bloom, I think I'll have an outside rainbow day or days. First, we'll have to get rid of this white stuff. Then we'll have to go through a period of brown days.... mud season.
Certainly enjoyed all of your colors! Thanks for a great project. An outside version sounds fun, too.
This post made me smile becasue I think of impressionist paintings in exactly the same way! My favorite is Frank Benson. I have one of his in my living room. Well, I should day I have a print.
What a great way to appreciate all that you have....
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